woman talking to therapist about intensive outpatient program

What to Look for in an Intensive Outpatient Program?

Finding the right recovery program can be overwhelming. Residential and outpatient programs offer clients a range of support, from therapy to medication management. For many, outpatient treatment is more accessible and accommodates their work, school, and home lives. Understanding the difference between different outpatient programs is key to finding the program that fits your schedule,…

Importance of Addiction Counseling Programs

Importance of Addiction Counseling Programs

Addiction recovery plans differ in many ways. However, they also tend to share certain things in common. The most common part of an effective treatment plan is addiction therapy, also known as addiction counseling. Why is addiction counseling used so often? It provides multiple recovery benefits that would not otherwise be available to you. And…

a person signing up for a dual diagnosis treatment program

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program

Those dealing with addiction to drugs or alcohol often feel misunderstood. There’s actually a good reason for feeling this way. Often, there are underlying mental health symptoms that drive people to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol. Dual diagnosis treatment can include a depression treatment program or anxiety treatment program alongside addiction treatment. Getting to the…

woman learning about inpatient treatment

Benefits of Inpatient Treatment

During inpatient treatment, the client stays at the rehab facility while undergoing detox, addressing the psychological causes of addiction and learning effective coping mechanisms. They receive medical attention, personalized therapy sessions, and intensive support at every stage of the recovery process. As a result, it shouldn’t be a surprise that inpatient treatment programs have the…

Addiction Treatment for Adolescents

Adolescence is a time of drastic changes, growth, and development for young people. It is a time when many young people start looking outside their family unit for cues about what to do, how to behave, and things to try. Unfortunately, this also means that some adolescents will run into trouble with drugs or alcohol.…

The Importance of Alcohol Detox Near Raleigh, NC

When it comes to breaking an alcohol addiction, the importance of alcohol detox cannot be emphasized enough. It’s one of the most effective ways to start feeling better and healing faster. At the completion of detox and rehab treatment, you’ll be able to live a clean and sober life. It’s doesn’t have to be an…

Social Drinker vs. Functional Alcoholic

There’s a big difference between a person who drinks exclusively in social situations and someone who is a functional alcoholic. A so-called “functional” alcoholic is a confusing term as the implication is that this individual is doing well enough. In reality, they are not fulfilling their obligations or engaging in activities to the best of…